Go online, without showing your identity using Firefox

Pedro Gomes
3 min readNov 1, 2020

The Covid crisis reinforce the, already in place, citizen’s privacy debate. With government’s applications on your phone, and big tech companies following your every step in Internet, sometimes you just need to feel “alone”.

To do so, you can use the web proxy’s Privoxy. Besides hiding your IP, Privoxy also blocks adds and “other obnoxious Internet junk” (privoxy.org).

For this tutorial you will need:

  • A Linux version with GUI (In this tutorial will be use Kali)
  • Mozila Firefox Browser

Step 1: Install Privoxy

Execute the following command to install privoxy:

sudo apt-get install tor privoxy

Step 2: Configure Privoxy

Go to configurations file, to define SOCKS protocol port. SOCKS is an internet protocol that is responsible for routing packets between a server and a client via a proxy server:

sudo nano /etc/privoxy/config

Then go to the end of the file and add the following line:

forward-socks5 / .

Close and save file.

Step 3: Start Tor and Privoxy services

Execute the following command to start tor:

sudo service tor start

Execute the following command to start privoxy:

sudo service privoxy start

Step 4: Change Firefox proxy settings

Go to Firefox’s Preferences -> Network Settings.

Change to Manual proxy configuration and add:

HTTP Proxy: Port: 8181SOCKS Host: Port: 9050

Step 5: Test it

To check if everything is well config and install, go to https://check.torproject.org/. You should have the following output:

It’s done, enjoy your privacy!

